Tuesday, October 20, 2015

All good things come to an end

It was a great "honeymoon", we just waited 33 years.

On our way to NNY to the "Camp House" to catch Liz's concert at Queens on Friday.  We are doing the thru way non stop, point a to b in the shortest time and distance...  road warriors we be.

We will drive to Florida once we are "well rested'.

Saturday, October 17, 2015

Jackson Hole, back to the Tetons and on to the ICBM Bed and Breakfast 10-16-15

Well, if ya' saw the grand tetons in the falling light, the fix is to return in the AM to get the better light - note blue sky...   Grand tetons are great eye candy, but not many of them, the whole "range" covers only a few miles - no threat to the Cdn. Rockies, but they're really great...well, grand...

Grand Tetons, rocky gap with green tree line for contrast...  No pine beetles in this shot, yet..
Can some geologist looking at this please explain what looks like a man-made straight line vertically down that rocky face?
Micro-glacier visible in center, will be gone very soon....

These sure don't look like the Adirondacks....

These mountains are much smaller and fewer than the Rockies, but their contours and shapes are really impressive and wild...
A classic post card shot - in the right place at the right time....
Another for those who like the reflection shots over water - what a place....
Thinking of "high plains drifter", Wyoming rte 136 in the middle of freakin' nowhere....  No wonder Clint Eastwood was always biting down on that nasty cigar!   OK, so it was shot in Italy, but it could have been shot here, right?
More "high plains".   I call it desolate, others call it beauty.  In the eye of the beholder, si?
At Warren AFB, at Air Force Inn, your basic ICBM B&B, visiting Laura and family.                  Yeehaa, let's ride that baby down......  Maddie's birthday party today, we'll spend the day with a bunch of 7 year olds at a birthday party, now the cougar doesn't seem scary at all.....

Friday, October 16, 2015

Yellowstone NP to Jackson Hole, Thursday 10-15-15

Early morning, we are in Yellowstone at one of only two open campgrounds, they close most of them in early October....   
Yellowstone is basically a thermal park - it's in a huge volcano, a great deal of it falls within the caldera - these are mineral "steps" formed by the heated water flows, lots of these in the park.

Alright, so they call them "terraces".  I call them "steps", this one is now static, as the water flow has been re-routed, and these are no longer growing...

So many scenes like this, bubbling/boiling areas everywhere.

Well, what can you say about this?

Raven fond of the Mazda - who needs buffalo and elk pictures, when you can have a raven?
Will this beater Miata make it to Fla?   "Nevermore"...    But after I fed him half of my blueberry muffin, he changed his reply to "Probably".  What a guy.....  He followed us for some time when we left, apparently regarding us as easy marks...

This looks like the "valley of desolation" on Dominica in the caribbean.  Same sort of other-worldly appearance of steaming destruction....

Odd hues of colors, due to different organisms growing in the different temperature water flows. 
A "typical' steam vent, if there is such a thing, so many of these..
A pedestrian bridge/walkway in the center, spring area in the rear.
"steamboat" geyser, this thing last went off big-time a few years ago, vented to about 400 ft, on and off for a few days, then returned to this level.  It apparently does this from time to time, there is a hand-lettered replaceable sign they update whenever it decides to surprise the tourists....
Found this alongside a river, we climbed down a steep bank when we saw it from the roadway above - the running spring is gradually building up the "rock", and the various colors are interesting.  Not a part of the "recommended" viewing for the crowds, no ramps or walkways to this.  I wonder how much more of this you see when you backpack in to the areas more distant?

Hot tub - so many of these....
Hot spring water cascading into cold, fast flowing river....
Strange color combinations everywhere - here's a range of colors in one spot.

Our last park shot, Old Faithful, a little lethargic today, we're told it varies day to day...

Passing through the Grand Tetons on the way to Jackson, Wy.  A shot as light is falling, interesting hues of blue on a still lake....

Whitefish MT to Eagle Creek Yellowstone NP, Wed 10-14-15

Spent way too much time driving today - but no rain, here's a pretty lake along the way.  Below, setting up campsite at day's end, just enough daylight to make this work - gonna be cold .....

Jasper, Baniff, Lake Louise to Whitefish Mt USA, Tue 10-13-15

The Canadian Rockies, blue skies, here's one of so very many, eye candy for mountaineers....

Sad picture of pine beetle damage, an entire mountainside of trees destroyed, we saw this in so many places.....

Lots of snow cover on top, these mountains go on for mile after mile, nothing like this near Plessis....
A good shot of your basic mountain and babbling brook.... a brisk waterfall, so many of those...
two of a fast-flow through a gorge....

another river/rapids area, snow-capped mountains in background, confused tourist in foreground...
Ya' gotta trust me on this, mile after mile of these mountains, it's really overwhelming when considering all those you can't see that are away from the roadway, and the roadway was placed in the easiest spot to build a road, eh?
Interesting "uplift" shape to these peaks, gives one a sense of some real forces at work, once upon a time..

Louise with snowy scene....interesting contrasts this time of year, all green at elevation of roadways, that winter is near at hand is obvious when looking up...

Your basic Canadian horny old goat.... found him wandering roadside, he seemed not at all put out by our presence, and waited for us to leave...
Glacier's end, retreating from it's previous location in the foreground.
If you're a geologist, I guess you might be intrigued by these parallel lines.
It's a lonely road, but I'm gonna get there......  The little Miata is now a long way from Kawai....
Lake and mountain shot - it's pretty here, eh?